"Sometimes the Bull Wins" (Landspeed Records)

Reviewed by Snidermann


I had the pleasure of reviewing Flupejac's "Who's Your Daddy?" a few years ago. I liked the band then and I like them even more now. 

Flupejac is solid rock'n'roll - not heavy metal by any means - but good, strong rock nonetheless. "Sometimes The Bull Wins" is a consistently fun ride, full of light punk, catchy hooks and a sense of fun that is infectious. 

But don't take just my word for it: My 9 year old daughter just loved this CD, too, and I can't think of a better endorsement than that. If Nicole liked it, it can't be all bad.

Flupejac: Chris Mcritchie - vocals and guitar; Chris Gramazio - bass; Nathan December - guitar; Cary Kane - drums. 

For more information, check out http://ww.flupejac.com

"Who's Your Daddy?" (Landspeed Records)

Reviewed by Snidermann


Flupejac is one killer rock'n'roll band. Their raw talent and extraordinary songwriting ability is prevalent throughout this entire recording. Each song is a complete story all rolled up into about three minutes and it gives you a peek into the lives and minds of these very talented musicians. 

Flupejac may not qualify as heavy metal, but it's good, hard rock'n'roll that gets the blood pumping just the same. "Who's Your Daddy?" is feel good rock that truly rolls! What a find! This is going straight to my A rotation list.

Flupejac is Chris McRitchie - guitars and vocals; Brad Needles - drums; Chris Gramazio - bass and vocals. 

For more info check out the band at http://www.flupejac.com.  

Rating Guide:

A classic. This record will kick your ass.

Killer. Not a classic but it will rock your world.

So-so. You've heard better.

Pretty bad. Might make a nice coaster.

Self explanatory. Just the sight of the cover makes you wanna hurl.

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