"2012" (Rootsucker Records; 2009)

Reviewed by Mike SOS

Daunting Massachusetts metal squad Ichabod celebrate its 10th year as a despondent doom-laden musical force with an appropriately labeled eight-track ode to the year the world is supposed to end entitled "2012."

This crafty quartet creates waves of cosmically mighty riffs and meaty melancholic meanderings that dole out a smorgasbord of stoner-metal fury not unlike an amalgamation of the superlative sludge of Eyehategod and the freewheeling ferocity of Today is the Day, ripe with heavy 70s jam-rock jamboree sensibilities (just check out the flute in “Gentlemen of the Choir”), a teeming Clutch-like confidence and oodles of psychedelic tricks and treats, going as far to include a sprawling yet electric 10-minute sonic touch-up of Pink Floyd’s “Nile Song” to give an indication of this collective’s intent to explore into the outer limits.

Bolstered by swirls of black hole melodies that fall somewhere between Crowbar and Acid Bath carefully stacked to form an unorthodox yet durable left of center metal foundation able to hold attention spans through song lengths that creep past the five-minute mark, this haunting offering provides a foreboding stoner metal soundtrack to the apocalypse, laying down the blueprint to humanity’s last hurrah with a chilling tone gravely burying the planet in a cloud of smoke through a viscous wall of sound.

For more information, check out http://www.myspace.com/ichabod.

"Reaching Empyrean" (Rootsucker Records / Black Lotus Entertainment; 2004)

Reviewed by R. Scott Bolton

With "Reaching Empyrean," Ichabod once again proves they are impossible to categorize. Although the stoner genre raises its sludgy head here perhaps even more so than on "Let the Bad Times Roll," Ichabod keeps the listener guessing as each track stands individually, sonically different than its predecessor or follower ... and yet obviously part of the whole.

"Reaching Empyrean" begins with two sludgy monsters, "Succubus" and the title track. "Succubus" is somewhat faster paced than "Reaching Empyrean," and sounds a little like Fu Manchu. "Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye" pops up next and explodes into speedy territory before slowing down to a crushing chorus. "Evacuate" could probably destroy brick walls with its heavy wave of sound, while "Manna" is a quiet stroll until its blistering finale. The final track, "Violet Sky," begins with tiny bells before throbbing into a haunting sound all its own.

As with previous Ichabod releases, fans of the stoner genre will want to check out "Reaching Empyrean," especially if they're looking for something just a little different.  

Ichabod: Phil MacKay - drums; Ken MacKay - vocals; Greg Dellaria - bass; Dave Iverson - guitar.

For more information, check out http://www.ichabodrocks.com

"Let the Bad Times Roll" (Rootsucker Records / Black Lotus Entertainment; 2002)

Reviewed by R. Scott Bolton

Ichabod's "Let the Bad Times Roll" is one of those CDs that's virtually impossible to categorize or, for that matter, even compare to other bands.

"Let the Bad Times Roll" has at least a little in common with the stoner genre, as the guitars are dense and fuzzy, plodding around at most times rather than racing. But elements of 60s bands like The Doors are also often present, as well as are the screaming vocals of modern metal.

The tempo of the songs herein runs from speedy ("Inglorious," "Ceramic Bulldog") to the slower ("Escape the Lie," "500 Miles Behind"). Even the slower songs chug along with nice, steady, chunky guitars. Regardless of the tempo, each song is interesting. A perfect example is "John Rocker" which runs at a medium tempo but is so loaded with atmosphere it easily branches out into something different, fresh and truly original. 

Fans of the stoner rock genre will easily identify with Ichabod's guitar sound but those looking for something a little different in their metal will be the real . 

Ichabod: Phil MacKay - drums; Ken MacKay - vocals; Ken Joyner - bass; Dave Iverson - guitar.

For more information, check out http://www.ichabodrocks.com

Rating Guide:

A classic. This record will kick your ass.

Killer. Not a classic but it will rock your world.

So-so. You've heard better.

Pretty bad. Might make a nice coaster.

Self explanatory. Just the sight of the cover makes you wanna hurl.

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