"Mammoth II" (BMG
Righs Management; 2023)
Reviewed by Snidermann
Wolfgang Van Halen has a lot to prove rock-wise with the blessing and curse of having the last name of Van Halen. Well, let me tell you, with his second release, appropriately entitled "Mammoth II," he has moved just a bit more to being a rock star himself, not just the son of Eddie Van Halen and the nephew of Alex.
Just like any rock guitarist in the last fifty-plus years, you can hear Eddie Van Halen's influences and it is no different with Wolfgang. This second release is heads above the first one, not just on talent, but on experience from both in the studio and the road. There is video out there that is more than a bit heart warming. Eddie is on stage sitting down, playing guitar, and a young Wolfgang (maybe seven or eight) comes out. hugs his dad from the back and runs off stage. You can just see the utter joy on Eddie's face. You can see, right there, that Eddie Van Halen loved being a dad, no question.
Mammoth WVH's "Mammoth II" is a great example of the fact that rock isn't dead. It's well thought-out, very well written, and features amazing musicianship and outstanding production value. The second spin of the recording is better than the first! This is simply one killer fucking recording.
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"Mammoth WVH" (EX1 Records; 2021)
Reviewed by Snidermann
Wolfgang Van Halen. The name alone is enough to get someone's attention, especially when it comes to music. His father was the legendary Eddie Van Halen. His uncle is the band's drummer, Alex Van Halen. And he spent fifteen years (more or less) playing bass for the band Van Halen. Okay, kid, you got my attention. What have you got?
Well, what we got here is one great record. WVH played all the parts of this recording and with it is tight, concise music that simply sounds great. Twelve songs running 58 minutes and it's nothing but solid rock'n'roll throughout. Now, I cannot say that his vocal style is anything to write home about, but what he does he does with style. Think rock'n'roll is dead? "Mammoth WVH" will change your mind.
WVH has the rock'n'roll gene. It is alive and kicking on this recording. He can play fucking rock'n'roll music like he was born to do it and, actually, I think he was.
Rock on Wolfie! I cant wait to hear what you do in the coming years!
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Rating Guide:
A classic. This record will kick your ass.
Killer. Not a classic but it will rock your world.
So-so. You've heard better.
Pretty bad. Might make a nice coaster.
Self explanatory. Just the sight of the cover makes you wanna hurl.
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