"From the Cradle to the Stage: 20th Anniversary" (SPV / Steamhammer; 2005)

Reviewed by R. Scott Bolton


Recorded live at the Zeche in Bochrum, Germany on January 25, 2004, "From the Cradle to the Stage" is a wall-to-wall slab of heavy metal that never ceases to deliver the goods. Celebrating their 20th anniversary as a band, Rage once again 

Consisting of classic tunes ("Black in Mind," "Solitary Man," "Don't Fear the Winter") and newer tracks ("Straight to Hell," "Unity," "Soundchaser"), "From the Cradle to the Stage" gives the listener a concise history of the band's music. Most notable is how well the older numbers hold up after all these years and the ease that the new numbers have in fitting in right alongside.

A double live CD like they used to make 'em, complete with full-length drum and guitar solos, this release is a keeper. Both the rabid Rage fan and those new to the band will find plenty to keep their head banging here.

Rage: Peavy Wagner - bass, vocals; Victor Smolski - guitars; Mike Terrana - drums.

for more information, check out http://www.rage-on.de

"Soundchaser" (SPV / Steamhammer; 2003)

Reviewed by R. Scott Bolton


Rage's "Soundchaser" is a brilliant combination of power metal, melodic metal, progressive metal and thrash. That sounds like a lot of genres to combine and still come up with a decent-sounding CD but, trust me, Rage has done it.

Guitars whose deep, rich notes could shatter boulders, drums that pound with an earth-shaking fury, choruses that are singable but still boast plenty of muscle. "Soundchaser" has an epic feel about it throughout, from the balls-out rock fury of tracks like "War of Worlds," "Human Metal" and the title track to the so-called "ballads": "Flesh and Blood," which is so atmospheric and "big" it sounds like somebody crossed Queensryche with Dream Theater and "Wake The Nightmares" which alternates between sounding like the more progressive and then the harder, rougher works of Jethro Tull.

Lyrically, "Soundchaser" is a full-on, sci-fi concept album about a biomechanical creature designed by the "Great Ones" to defend themselves against carnivores. Not particularly original but clever enough and well-written enough to hold the attention.

The production is simply stellar throughout, with every note fitting perfectly in its place and emanating cleanly and crisply from your system's speakers.

Fans of any of the above-mentioned genres will love "Soundchaser."

Rage: Peavy Wagner - bass, vocals; Victor Smolski - guitars; Mike Terrana - drums.

For more information, check out http://www.rage-on.de

Rating Guide:

A classic. This record will kick your ass.

Killer. Not a classic but it will rock your world.

So-so. You've heard better.

Pretty bad. Might make a nice coaster.

Self explanatory. Just the sight of the cover makes you wanna hurl.

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