"Songs of Death ... Songs of Hell" (Ibex Moon; 2009)

Reviewed by Metal Mark

This band has been in existence for over decade and yet this is their only release to date. This is likely due to the fact that members are in a number of other projects as well. Now, after this disc, my hopes are that these guys give some more focus to this project and knock out a full-length album.

With "Songs of Death ... Songs of Hell" what we have before us is five tracks of early 90s style death metal mainly leaning towards the Florida bands. It's pretty basic in that, except for one track, they don't make attempts to get beyond just straight, plowing ahead style of death metal. That limits them, but it only took a few seconds into their opening track before I was pulled in by a huge, vicious riff. Most of the music here follows a simple blueprint that was set up by other acts years ago. However, this band does it well.

The production is deep and it complements the constant pounding assaults that this band delivers. They stick to what they know and generally keep it short and tight. Above all else, they know how to really punctuate parts and maintain the aggression that they establish early on. Those two traits are something that not enough bands bother to possess, but it helps a lot.

I certainly like the intensity and the consistency of this release. My hope for when they do a full length is that they branch just a little more and I am sure they can accomplish that easily.

For more information, check out http://www.myspace.com/rapepillageandburn666.

Rating Guide:

A classic. This record will kick your ass.

Killer. Not a classic but it will rock your world.

So-so. You've heard better.

Pretty bad. Might make a nice coaster.

Self explanatory. Just the sight of the cover makes you wanna hurl.

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Revised: 23 Sep 2024 13:30:41 -0400.