"A Discord Electric" (Lifeforce; 2010)

Reviewed by R. Scott Bolton

When Raunchy's "A Discord Electric" first begins, there's a bouncy little Isaac Hayes guitar/keyboard intro with high-pitched vocals that sound like somebody kicked Paul Stanley in the balls. Uh-oh, you might think, what's happened here? Within seconds, however, those guitars being to chug, the song begins to soar and from that point on, It's all good.

As you can tell from the reviews below, Raunchy lean toward the Gothenburg sound, with driving guitars, pounding rhythms and powerful vocals. (Personally, I expected a band called 'Raunchy' to be more of a Sunset Boulevard glam band but, boy, was I wrong). But there's more here than just another In Flames clone. On "A Discord Electric," the band goes heavy on the keyboards and really doses up the melody to create a sound that falls somewhere between In Flames and H.I.M. It's an interesting combination that takes a little getting used to but sooner than later grows on you.

Based on the previous reviews below, Raunchy may have gone a little further to the melodic side on "A Discord Electric" which may be unwelcome news to its usual fans. But fear not - the band definitely hasn't sold out or gone soft. Instead, they've created a fascinating hybrid that will draw you back in for multiple listens. Each time I listen to this CD, I like it more and, really, if that isn't the sure sign of a great CD, then I don't know what is.

For more information, check out http://www.raunchy.dk

"Wasteland Discotheque" (Lifeforce; 2008)

Reviewed by Snidermann

Raunchy, out of Copenhagen, Denmark, is one great band with plenty of attitude. Loud and in-your-face, they put their heart on their sleeves with each and every cut.

I don’t know what they put in the water in that part of the world but you can compare this band with the likes of Dark Tranquillity, Soilwork and In Flames, just to name a few.

If you liked the band's previous material, you'll like "Wasteland Discotheque" just as well. The music is dark, loud and full of the attitude that should be on the radar of every person dedicated to heavy music.

For more information, check out http://www.raunchy.dk

"Death Pop Romance" (Lifeforce; 2006)

Reviewed by Mike SOS

Denmark's Raunchy returns with the sextet's third release: the aggressive, keyboard-heavy 10-track offering, "Death Pop Romance." And, if you thought these guys were cloning Soilwork and In Flames before, get set for a lot more of that, with chunks of Children of Bodom and the lighter moments of Strapping Young Lad strewn in for good measure. 

Humungous drums, killer riffs, and a slew of technical programming is what these metal mavens deliver, from the hooky electronic feel of "Live the Myth" to the contagious death march with an absolutely killer breakdown "Remembrance."

While the melodic metal tag seems to be a maligned moniker to place on a band these days, it's quite possibly the best way to describe this CD's innate yet crushing hybrid charm. 

For more information, check out http://www.raunchy.dk

Rating Guide:

A classic. This record will kick your ass.

Killer. Not a classic but it will rock your world.

So-so. You've heard better.

Pretty bad. Might make a nice coaster.

Self explanatory. Just the sight of the cover makes you wanna hurl.

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