"Weekend at Jerry's" (Self-produced)

Reviewed by Christopher J. Kelter

In 1997, the newly formed Rebel Amish Radio put together this self-produced CD to have some stuff to sell at their shows. It's not surprising that this talented outfit had the smarts to record their songs so their fans could get their fix of Rebel Amish Radio whenever they wanted. It's also not surprising that Rebel Amish Radio's brand of funky, soulful hard rock is as polished as it is given their short time together as a unit.

Rebel Amish Radio has a big sound that incorporates a variety of styles and sonic colors. And attitude. Not a brash attitude, but a self-confidence that spills over into everything that they do. An us-against-the-world attitude is a catalyst for the band's achievements.

There is literally something for everyone on "Weekend At Jerry's." A funky hard rock sound not unlike King's X, the slow grungy-grind of Soundgarden, and Sly Stone meets Metallica riffing are three simple ways to describe the Rebel Amish Radio sound if not in one song, but in their ability to mix it up throughout the course of the CD.

"Pal" received extensive radio airplay in the mid-Atlantic region and is only a quick peek into the commercial potential of the band. The relatively simple "Pain" gets its not so simple message across in a very pointed fashion. "Typical" takes a harsh look at relationships and "Indecision" sums up the bands 'go-for-it' spirit.

"Weekend At Jerry's" was written, produced, and engineered by Rebel Amish Radio. The production is sufficient for a demo and shows the band to be quite adept around the studio. 

Rebel Amish Radio: George Bold on vocals and guitar; Deanna Barney on percussion and vocals; Derrick Dorsey on bass, and Mike Sipple on drums.

Rating Guide:

A classic. This record will kick your ass.

Killer. Not a classic but it will rock your world.

So-so. You've heard better.

Pretty bad. Might make a nice coaster.

Self explanatory. Just the sight of the cover makes you wanna hurl.

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