"See You in Hell" (Small Stone; 2008)

Reviewed by Mike SOS

Boston-based outfit Roadsaw have returned from "indefinite hiatus" with "See You in Hell," a durable 11-track comeback.

Bringing their brand of blue-collar heavy blues rock to the forefront, the Fu Manchu-meets-Nebula groove on "Go It Alone" proves the band capable of laying down banging buzzsaw riffs. The fuzzed-out title track stomps like a sludged-out AC/DC, and the muscular barroom blues of "Leavin" manages to coherently cross the wares of Tesla and Seemless.

Roadsaw also get contemplative during the acoustic desert rock of "Dead Horse," but, for the majority of the time, this triumphant act turns up the volume and cranks out an impressive return disc fortified with the kind of nasty guitar heroics and gritty rhythms that stoner metal fans will embrace.

For more information, check out

"Nationwide" (MIA Records; 1997)

Reviewed by Christopher J. Kelter

Roadsaw are one of those rare bands that can successfully bridge different styles without falling into the trap of imitation. This version of "Nationwide," newly released on MIA, is two tracks shorter than the original print run and has different artwork, but luckily the sound has been cleaned up.

Roadsaw is a stoner rock outfit that has a lot more than just the typical "stoner" sound. There is more metal in Roadsaw than most bands that get lumped in the stoner genre. I also hear a bit of a Southern vibe, more of a garage band type of tone, and even a tad of grunge - all of these sounds help Roadsaw pull away from their stoner rock brethren.

I particularly liked "Not Today" with its rolling chords, the grunge-like touches of "In Threes," the psychedelic tinge of "Motorcaster," and the up-tempo rocker "Signal."

Stoner rock purists will fall for "Keep On Sailing," "Satellite," "Black Flower," and "Thanks For Nothing." 

What is particularly interesting is that guitarist Darryl's fluid guitar lines keep the stoner rock and the metal in equal balance. "Nationwide" was produced by Roadsaw; Andrew Schneider handled the recording and mixing duties. I wish the vocals could have been a little higher in the mix. 

Roadsaw is Craig who does the singin' and yellin', Tim who plays bass and does some singin', Hari who plays drums and organ, and Darryl who plays gitahs, organ, and more gitahs. 

For more information visit the band's official website at to learn more about Boston's pride and joy.

Rating Guide:

A classic. This record will kick your ass.

Killer. Not a classic but it will rock your world.

So-so. You've heard better.

Pretty bad. Might make a nice coaster.

Self explanatory. Just the sight of the cover makes you wanna hurl.

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