"Sanctus Diavolos" (Century Media; 2004)

Reviewed by Snidermann

I have always been impressed by great bands that come from relatively small countries – Moonspell hailing from Portugal and Rotting Christ from Greece being two of the primary examples of this observation. I have long been accustomed to hearing Rotting Christ, but only in single song formats rather than full-length efforts up until the band's 2002 release "Genesis."

What sticks in my mind about "Genesis" is that it was quite a ferocious record – long-time fans of the band called it a 'return to form.' "Genesis" had an added emphasis on electronics which provided an added dimension to the band's black metal backbone. "Sanctus Diavolos" takes away a bit of the electronica sheen and trades it for a more sturdy rhythmic record. "Genesis" also has more choir-like vocals which pushes the band into a more Therion-lilke direction 

At the end of the day I consider "Sanctus Diavolos" to be a slight drop-off from "Genesis." However, I would not hesitate for a second to heartily recommend "Sanctus Diavolos" to Rotting Christ fans in particular and black metal fans in general. Personally, I like "Sanctus Diavolos" a lot, it just lacks a certain 'stickiness' that I heard with "Genesis" and the band's other 

"Sanctus Diavolos" was produced by Sakis and mixed by Fredrik Nordstrom.

Rotting Christ: Sakis on vocals, guitars, and keyboards, Andreas on bass, and Themis on drums. Guest lead guitar on "Visions Of A Blind Order" by Gus G. (Nightrage).

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Rating Guide:

A classic. This record will kick your ass.

Killer. Not a classic but it will rock your world.

So-so. You've heard better.

Pretty bad. Might make a nice coaster.

Self explanatory. Just the sight of the cover makes you wanna hurl.

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