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"Trying to Kiss the Sun" (InsideOut Music/Tempis Fugit)

Reviewed by Christopher J. Kelter

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RPWL. is a German progressive rock band that was once a Pink Floyd cover band. Fast-forward a few years and RPWL. has emerged as a full-fledged musical entity that deserves to be heard for its own merits.

"Trying To Kiss The Sun" often comes across as 'easy listening' simply because the music rarely gets above room temperature. But that's not necessarily a bad thing. The songs on "Trying To Kiss The Sun" are pleasing to the ear and feature plenty of 'ear candy' that results in new discoveries with each listen. I've been thinking that it's important that I'd heard Porcupine Tree before I'd listened to RPWL.'s "Trying To Kiss The Sun" - I might have more easily dismissed it without discovering the former. 

A number of tracks on "Trying To Kiss The Sun" exceed seven minutes in length - this should keep the progressive fans very happy. Each of these long songs feature the kind of instrumental interplay that keeps fans of savvy, technical musical skills in spastic fits of joy. Yet there are a number of songs that economical, sweet, to-the-point, and seemingly tailored for universal acceptance without being 'commercial.' Such is the life of a prog-rock band - Pink Floyd succeeded with a similar model in years past although very few bands have succeeded in the time since.

Interestingly enough, RPWL. utilize humor to their advantage on a number of tracks - this supple inclusion of light-heartedness keeps "Trying To Kiss The Sun" from being too serious. And that is a welcome relief from all the overwrought, very serious music that can be just as depressing as it is cathartic. Just check out "Sugar For The Ape" if you need any proof.

To me, the best part of "Trying To Kiss The Sun" is vocalist Yogi Lane - his voice is rich and in perfect harmony with his bandmates' musical scheme.

Fans of later era Pink Floyd, Porcupine Tree, The Flower Kings, Platypus, early Genesis, and Kaipa would be wise to check out the sweet sounds of RPWL.

"Trying To Kiss The Sun" was produced by Yogi Lang and RPWL. Self-produced records often sound muddled and lack distinction - that's not the case with "Trying To Kiss The Sun." "Trying To Kiss The Sun" is as good as it sounds.

RPWL. is Yogi Lang on vocals and keyboards, Karlheinz Wallner on guitars, Stephan Ebner on bass, Andreas Werthaler on keyboards, and Phil Paul Rissettio on drums.

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Rating Guide:

retinysaw.gif (295 bytes)retinysaw.gif (295 bytes)retinysaw.gif (295 bytes)retinysaw.gif (295 bytes) A classic. This record will kick your ass.

retinysaw.gif (295 bytes)retinysaw.gif (295 bytes)retinysaw.gif (295 bytes) Killer. Not a classic but it will rock your world.

retinysaw.gif (295 bytes)retinysaw.gif (295 bytes) So-so. You've heard better.

retinysaw.gif (295 bytes) Pretty bad. Might make a nice coaster.

restinks.jpg (954 bytes) Self explanatory. Just the sight of the cover makes you wanna hurl.

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