(Nordvis Produktion; 2014)
Reviewed by Jeff Rogers
Skogen are black metal. They conjure up their musical
blackness from Sweden. "I Döden" means 'In Death.' I'm not much of a fan of
black metal. I find the vocals, when snarled, off-putting. The music, though,
now that's a different tune; a tune I can get into. Skogen have some driving
rhythms and creepy acoustics on this, their fourth offering. Skogen is Swedish
for 'the forest.'
Skogen wrote this album to be played in one sitting, with no interruptions, no
rest for the wicked. "I Döden" is almost sixty minutes of music. The
arrangements on this disc have a couple of layers: The black evil is on the
surface and, when a track with acoustics is absorbed, you get the lift of heavy
and are taken on a light interlude. But , don't get too comfy laying back and
naming clouds because the anchor of death will pull you back down underground.
Skogen are a trio and they sound like a solid band of four. Lots of music
emitting from this deep forest band.
The guitar has a doom and gloom element writhing at all times but it's not
always brooding in the corner. Instead, it comes out to play solos that have
depth and emotion. The production is really incredible, the sound textures give
way to each instrument being heard but not overplayed. The folk flavor is
present on a few tracks so the whole album encompasses a rich sound while
keeping a dull ache present in the back of your head. Half way through the disc
the mood changes with some somber acoustics. It's not a long rest, just enough
for you to digest what you've heard so far. Then, the evil snarling starts again
and we're off to the dungeon once more.
Skogen: Joakim "Jocke" Svensson - bass, guitar, vocals; Mathias "Matte" Nilsson
- bass, guitars, keyboards, vocals; Linus "L. Arson" Larsson - drums.
For more information, check out
Rating Guide:
A classic. This record will kick your ass.
Killer. Not a classic but it will rock your world.
So-so. You've heard better.
Pretty bad. Might make a nice coaster.
Self explanatory. Just the sight of the cover makes you wanna hurl.
Copyright © 2005 by R. Scott Bolton. All rights
03 Mar 2025 12:58:38 -0500.